Welcome to our new Web site
Josh Johnson -
Unless this is your first visit to www.libertylakesplash.com, you probably noticed we've rearranged the furniture a little bit, to say the least. As we announced in this week's Splash, the Web site has undergone an overhaul, in large part to enable the community to interact with the site.
A big thanks to Tony, Jennifer and their team at Spokane Web Communications for taking a fleet of dusty, disorganized ideas I listed out in long e-mails and making them reality -- a true magician's act. They are excellent.
Thanks also to Splash Graphics Editor Sarah Haggart and my multi-talented brother, Bo, for their design contributions.
All of us are interested in your feedback. Feel free to leave a comment here or several places elsewhere in the site. Suggestions and ideas are always welcome.
Stay tuned to this blog on a regular basis for a variety of random information related to life here in Liberty Lake.
All the best,
Josh Johnson
December 1986 |
Spread the Health
7/8/2015 6:18:31 AM
It's Official
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LL company featured on KXLY
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