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LLCT stages 'Every Christmas Story'
11/23/2015 2:58:09 PM

By Valerie Putnam
Splash Contributor

Ebenezer Scrooge, Charlie Brown and Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer join Frosty the Snowman, the Nutcracker and other holiday icons for "Every Christmas Story Ever Told (And Then Some)." The local theatrical production of this show opens Dec. 10 at Liberty Lake Community Theatre.

Described as "an outrageous look at yuletide traditions we all remember, some we never knew and a few we'd like to forget," this nonstop holiday romp takes the audience through a menagerie of Christmas classics. 

"The show opens with three actors beginning to perform ‘A Christmas Carol,' but it soon turns into these three trying to perform every Christmas story they grew up with," Director Tom Sanderson said. "I think this is a very appealing play for anyone who has ever watched Christmas shows." 

In under two hours, the three actors - played by JP O'Shaughnessy, Luke Faser and Ron Ford - with the help of Santa, take the audience through a "slightly irreverent look" at many beloved holiday classics. 

"They run through a litany of characters from the Grinch to George Bailey," Sanderson said. "Sometimes, there is more than one story going on at the same time."

The actors' interpretation of stories, carols and televisions specials unfolds into a hilarious holiday tour de farce. 

"My favorite thing about this show is that three guys play all the roles, so seeing the versatility of each actor is very satisfying for me," said Nick Kittilstved, vice president of the Liberty Lake Community Theatre and show producer. "The best thing to look for and enjoy is the creative ways they find to transition from one story to the next."

The Liberty Lake production of "Every Christmas Story Ever Told" is Sanderson's directorial debut. He began acting in Sandpoint two years ago and has performed in productions at Stageleft, Civic and Ignite Theatres. 

"I couldn't have asked for a better cast to be working with on this show," Sanderson said. "These guys make it easy."

Additional members of the production crew include Stage Manager Tyler Degenstein and Rebecca Bolster managing the props, costume and set design. Lighting and sound roles are yet to be determined. 

Written by Michael Carleton, Jim Fitzgerald and John K. Alvarez, with original music by Will Knapp, the madcap comedy was first performed in Cape May, N.J., in 2003. The authors played themselves during its initial production.  

"The script itself is really funny and clever," Sanderson said. "And frankly, watching these three talented actors as they show off their versatility and how they present our favorite Christmas characters is worth coming out for."

Sanderson noted the show would appeal to any age but added a disclaimer that for those that "still believe," there could be a spoiler or two.

"I don't want to be responsible for ruining anyone's childhood," Sanderson said. 

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If You Go ...
Every Christmas Story Ever Told (And Then Some)

When: 7:30 p.m. Dec. 10-12 and 18-19 (doors open at 7 p.m.)

Where: Liberty Lake Community Theatre, 22810 E. Appleway Ave.

Tickets: $12 at the door or purchased online at   

Cast: JP O'Shaughnessy, Luke Faser and Ron Ford

Crew: Tom Sanderson, director; Tyler Degenstein, stage manager; Rebecca Bolster, props, costume and set design

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Illuminate for Literacy this Christmas
The Liberty Lake Community Theatre is hosting the third annual "Illuminate for Literacy" program, with ready-to-light luminaria available for purchase by Dec. 21 for $15 per dozen.

All the funds raised go toward the Theatre's plays, musicals and reader theater performances.

The luminaria can line driveways, porch steps, walkways or other outdoor areas.  The candles last up to 16 hours and can be used more than once. 

"Our goal is to sell 100-125 dozen luminaria," Liberty Lake Community Theatre volunteer and fundraiser lead Charmaine Peterson said. "We hope to raise about $1,500 to $2,000."

The luminaries will be delivered in time for Christmas Eve. 

"It is so beautiful to drive around on Christmas Eve and see areas lit up by the soft luminarias," Peterson said. "It has been our goal to have entire streets purchase them so one would have the full effect."

Contact Peterson at or 255-4100 for more information or to place an order.
