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This summer, the library is spotlighting books made into films. At the end of every month, the library will host a movie showing and book club meeting.

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On the July Library page: Library goes outdoors to engage community; Book Review
6/30/2015 11:31:41 AM

Library goes outdoors to engage community

By Lauren Campbell
Splash Contributor

In the heat of summer, we all want to get outside - even librarians. Far from the stodgy, controlling librarians of lore, the staff who run Liberty Lake Municipal Library are passionate about getting people involved in reading, and they're finding creative ways to make just that happen this summer.

On June 27, July 11, July 25 and Aug. 22, the library will be present at the Liberty Lake Farmers Market at the city of Liberty Lake's booth. Librarians will be on hand to answer questions, look up information and even issue library cards on site. Additionally, they will have a "Wheel of Fortune" with giveaways. 

Library staff are also considering other ways to make the booth even more enticing, such as possibly having a collection of popular books that can be checked out directly from the market, giving patrons a place to feed both their bodies and their minds all at once. By being out at events in the community, the librarians are hoping to attract new patrons to take advantage of all the library has to offer.

"Our library patrons really love the library and we're so grateful for them," said Pamela Mogen, director of library services. "But there are still a lot of people in Liberty Lake who don't know what modern libraries are all about."

As part of their summer reading series, "Every Hero has a Story," the library is also hosting a "Touch a Truck" event 2 p.m. July 1 in Town Square Park. Fire trucks, police cars and other large vehicles will be on hand for kids to see and touch. They will also have the opportunity to talk to the community heroes who use them every day. 

"Our biggest goal is to keep kids reading and encourage adults to read too," Mogen said.

To that end, the adult book club for the summer has a "Books to Movies" theme. The June book was "The Remains of the Day," with the movie adaptation shown for free at the library and a book discussion held at Barlow's Restaurant. The July selection was not selected at the time of publication, but will be listed on the library's website, The movie adaptation will be shown 5:30 p.m. on July 27 with book discussion at Barlow's at 6:30 p.m. July 30.

Continuing the books to movies theme, the library is partnering with Friends of Pavillion Park to host two events in August featuring books turned into movies. Patrons are encouraged to check out a copy of the book to read and then attend the movie in the park. "Big Fish" (Aug. 28) and "Charlotte's Web" (Aug. 29) are the featured selections. More details will be on the library's website later in the summer. 

Finally, the wrap-up celebration for the summer reading program will be held 2 p.m. Aug. 15 at Rocky Hill Park and will feature an ice cream social and water gun fight. The summer reading program is open to all ages - toddler to adult - and online registration is easy at

The library encourages groups and businesses that would like to partner with the library on an event, schedule a lunchtime presentation, or has other ideas for ways to keep the library integrated with the community, to get in touch.

"We really want to show more people in the community what we have for them in the library," Mogen said.

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Books to movies!
This summer, your library is spotlighting books made into films. At the end of every month the library will host a movie showing and book club meeting.

Check out our vast selection or contact the library for July's book club selection. The movie viewing and discussion will be held July 27 and 30. 

For more, stop by the library or visit the group, "Books & Beyond: The New Library Experience." 

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Book Review: ‘Big Fish' reads like family folklore

By Shardé Mills
Liberty Lake Municipal Library

In "Big Fish: A Novel of Mythic Proportions," Edward Bloom is an extraordinary but mysterious, basically legendary man. He has become wealthy through an import/export business but has spent little time at home. While he lies dying, his son William tries to piece together his father's astonishing life, to understand the man behind the myth. 

The author, Daniel Wallace, accomplishes this task through a series of adventures and stories, written as modern-day folklore. Through these stories William starts to understand his father's greatest triumphs and failures, and Wallace exposes the always-complicated and beautiful relationship between parent and child. Invoking the lyrical voice of classic legends and myths, this story is both outrageous and epically endearing.

The Liberty Lake Library is promoting this story in collaboration with Friends of Pavillion Park. A short but powerful novel, read the book before viewing the movie at Pavillion Park's Pages to Picture Weekend. A visually stunning and heartwarming film, "Big Fish" will be shown at Pavillion Park Aug. 28 at dusk. Copies of the book are available at the library for your reading pleasure, and a book discussion will be held at the library Aug. 31 at 5:30 pm.

Shardé Mills is the adult services and reference librarian at Liberty Lake Municipal Library. 
