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On the May Library page: DIY with the library's help; Book Review; Library Briefs
4/29/2015 9:43:45 AM

By Lauren Campbell
Splash Contributor

Many people dream of renovating their home or growing a beautiful garden, but don't have the necessary knowledge or even know where to start. That's where a quality resource like the local library can come in handy. 

The Liberty Lake Municipal Library is a great source for all the information residents need to improve their home and garden. In addition to all the books that are available at the library and through the interlibrary loan system, patrons can also access high-quality databases from home.

"I think people don't realize that you don't have to come to the library to use our resources," said Shardé Mills, adult and reference services librarian.

The Hobbies and Crafts Reference Center, Home Improvement Reference Center and Gale Virtual Gardening Collection can help users learn anything they are interested in - from basic electrical work to home brewing to growing your own vegetables.

"These resources are vetted and reliable, so you don't have to filter through 500 Google results to get good information," Mills said.

There are many other databases as well on any topic users could be interested in. These reference materials are open to anyone with a Liberty Lake library card just by visiting the library website. Since taxes help to pay for these resources, they are only available from home for Liberty Lake residents, but anyone can come into the library and use them from there.

"We're all about education and giving people the tools they need to learn new things and be successful," Mills said.

In addition to the databases, the library hosts regular events that can help you improve your DIY skills. On May 2, the library will host a "Gardening for Life" class with a Master Gardener that will offer information on gardening for senior citizens as well as time for questions and answers. Patrons are encouraged to keep an eye on the schedule on the Liberty Lake Library website to find events of interest to them.

If users can't find the information needed online, they are encouraged to talk to a librarian since Mills said they are founts of knowledge about where to go to learn new things. They can probably direct you to an amazing resource you wouldn't have found on your own.

"If you're looking into DIY, there's no better place you could go than the library," Mills said.

For more, go to

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Book Review: Literature, technology mesh in novel concept

By Shardé Mills
Liberty Lake Municipal Library

In Robin Sloan's "Mr. Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore," Clay Jannon is an out-of-work web designer who finds employment at Mr. Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore.  At first, the store appears to be the epitome of the forgotten bookstore, with few visitors and old books no one seems to buy. However, after a few days on the job, Clay notices that the few customers he has never buy books. Instead they "check out" strange large volumes that are stashed away in the store. 

As Clay starts to investigate these mysterious books and the store's even more intriguing owner, he enlists a group of technologically savvy friends - a Google employee, an engineer and an artist - to uncover a mystery he could never have imagined.

Sloan's story is not your average mystery novel but a funny and lighthearted read. While some of the plot relies strongly on coincidences and almost all the characters are likeable geniuses, the overall tone of the book is uplifting and engaging. The setting of Silicon Valley and a smattering of technological language may be slightly intimidating at first, but with vivid descriptions and a comprehensive plot, they do nothing to diminish the overall story.  

In the end, Sloan accomplishes the difficult feat of combining the historical world of books with the future of technology, making a seamless reality where both not only coexist but have a profound effect on one another.

Shardé Mills is the adult services and reference librarian at Liberty Lake Municipal Library.

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Library Briefs

Grow in garden knowledge
The Liberty Lake Municipal Library is hosting a "Gardening for Life" class May 2 from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the library meeting room. 

Presented by master gardener Dorene Harter, learn about proper and adaptive tools, containers and simple movements that will make gardening easier. This class will also include a Q&A time where attendees can ask general questions and get tips on how to use gardening as a way to stay healthy or overcome physical challenges. 

Cast votes for summer reading 
This year's adult summer programs are all about books to movies, which means our summer book club will feature books made into movies. Vote on the books you want to read in the summer book club survey at  
