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Daughters of The American Revolution

volution (DAR) is a volunteer women's organization that has been dedicated to historical preservation, education, and patriotism for over a century. Across the United States, there are over 3,000 chapters supporting an estimated current membership of 200,000, with over one million total members since their founding in 1890. 
The greater Spokane area is home to four chapters with over 300 members currently enrolled. Ester Reed Chapter was founded in 1900 with Carrie Adell Strahorn being a notable member; Spokane Gary Chapter was founded in 1921 to honor Chief Gary; Jonas Babock Chapter was founded in 1970; and May Hutton Chapter founded in 1996 to honor May Hutton, a prominent suffragette and philanthropist. 
With a commitment to preserving our cultural heritage, DAR members engage in projects such as restoring and maintaining historical sites, locating, and marking Revolutionary War patriot grave sites, and organizing major restorations and memorials. RaeAnna Victor, Vice Regent of the Jonas Babcock Chapter member, has been involved in numerous memorial creations including the World War I monument near Argonne bridge and the recently dedicated Never Forget Garden honoring the Tomb of the Unknown Solider at Orchard Park in Liberty Lake. "Here in the Spokane area, we are just way high on historical preservation, patriotism and education too, but more so than any other part of the state, we have monuments, memorials, and markers." 
The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier Never Forget Garden began in 2018 across the nation to pay living respect to the service members who have gave their life, the service members currently protecting out freedoms, and to those who have yet to serve out Country. 
The marker that is placed in the garden is emblazoned with a message from the Declaration of Independence: "Our lives, our fortunes, and out sacred honor." 
They also preserve genealogical records, artifacts, and historical documents at DAR Headquarters in Washington D.C., making them accessible to the public. 
Education is also a key focus for DAR, as members are passionate about educating the youth of America. They support five schools throughout the United States through donations and personal time and provide scholarships and funds to Native American children and schools. DAR also promotes education and citizenship through youth programs, such as Children of the American Revolution, DAR Good Citizens, and Junior American Citizens. They even offer educational summer camps and cultural programs through the DAR Museum.
Each chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution is given a name in honor of a notable figure from history who has ties to the Revolutionary War. In the case of the naming of the 1970 Spokane chapter, there was initially a plan to name it after Carrie Adell Strahorn. Strahorn, being one of the original pioneer women in the Wild West and having settled in Spokane in 1898, seemed like an ideal candidate for recognition. However, due to considerations about the perceived modernity of her contributions, the decision was made to select a different name for the chapter.
Carrie Adell Strahorn was, nonetheless, an important figure in the Daughters of the American Revolution community. In 1900, she was a founding member of the Ester Reed Chapter, which was the first chapter established in the greater Spokane area. Despite not having the Spokane chapter named after her, Strahorn's significant contributions to the organization are still recognized.
Ultimately, the new chapter in Spokane was bestowed with the name of Strahorn's patriot ancestor, her great-grandfather Jonas Babcock, ensuring that his legacy and connection to the Revolutionary War are honored and remembered.
Jonas Babcock was born in Stonington, Connecticut, on May 14, 1764 and came from a large family of ten children. "He went into the Revolutionary War at only fifteen years old," Victor shares about the patriot who is the namesake of the chapter she belongs to. "One of the remaining family members still has a journal of his and he wrote in it ‘May peace forever remain between the United States and all other powers if possible. If not, may America subdue them and begin them to peace again. Amen.' Isn't that cool?"
It's worth noting that Jonas Babcock was a brave soldier who fought valiantly for his country over several years. He served three different terms in the war and was ultimately discharged in 1784 at the rank of sergeant, after the war had concluded. In the years after his service, he married twice. Tragically, his first wife passed away at the young age of 26 after only two children. However, his second marriage was much more fruitful, and together they had ten children. Jonas Babcock lived a long life and passed away in 1847 at the age of 83.
"Our Chapter, the Jonas Babcock Chapter, has 78 members currently," Victor explains about the members. "We are all very active members. The different chapters collaborate together. In fact, in the past few years we have received national awards for when all four chapters work together. The first was in 2019 for the work on the Argonne Memorial. We all came together and raised around $15,000 dollars." 
The Daughters of the American Revolution across all the local Chapters are planning upcoming events this spring and welcome community members to come and join them in the events. 
March 29 – Annual Vietnam Veterans ceremony - Spokane Valley City Hall at 1:00pm
April 20 – Never Forget Garden Dedication - 11:00am Balfour Park – Veterans Plaza
April 26 - Liberty Tree Dedication – 11:00am Balfour Park 
May 27 – Memorial Day Veterans Memorial Balfour Park – time to be announced
Victor herself can trace her lineage back to 11 Revolutionary War patriots. "It makes me feel very proud and very excited. Because with all the stuff going on in today's society, its nice to know that we were founded on great principals." 
Victor's mother, who is currently 96 years old, is also an active member of the Jonas Babcock Chapter and attends meetings whenever she can. Additionally, Victor's granddaughter has become a member as well, boasting an impressive lineage that includes 23 patriots in her family tree.
People nationwide are still discovering their family history with support from the Daughters of the American Revolution. For more details, visit their website at
