Splash photo by Treva Lind |
Zach and Amy Hunt own Physzique Fitness, which celebrated the expansion of its Liberty Lake headquarters as well as two new locations recently.
Physzique expands facility, locations
2/25/2015 12:26:34 PM
By Treva Lind
Splash Contributor
More than a dozen people jogged across a wide, newly expanded exercise floor at the Liberty Lake Physzique on a recent Thursday morning. A fitness trainer led the exercises.
To serve a growing number of clients, Physzique just finished an expansion at its Liberty Lake facility to go from 1,800 square feet to just over 6,000 square feet of space, most of which makes up its fitness area.
Amy Hunt, co-owner of the Liberty Lake-based business, says word-of-mouth referrals and a popular series of 12-week challenges for clients to reach goals have fueled fast company growth that now includes operating five separate clubs. Two of those centers just opened in January.
"At the same time we opened in Coeur d'Alene in January, we also opened in Kennewick," Hunt said. "We have pretty aggressive growth plans. We plan to open four studios a year in Washington, Oregon and Idaho. We're looking to open a second Tri-Cities location this summer and another in Yakima this fall."
She and her husband, company founder Zach Hunt, are at the helm of Physzique that has its Liberty Lake club at 1611 N. Molter and other Spokane area centers at 8117 N. Division and on the South Hill at 2101 E. 29th.
She said Zach started the company nine years ago when he began private fitness training with a few clients, and his training style soon became popular. Today, she said the business still strives for a fun environment that keeps a focus on individuals within small groups.
"We wanted to pair together nutrition with the fitness," she said.
Amy Hunt has national certifications in exercise and strength conditioning, as well as nutrition training. Her husband has an Eastern Washington University degree in exercise science and nutrition.
Physzique's 12-week challenges started about four years ago. The focus includes a weekly weigh-in, unlimited regular workouts, and nutrition counseling during the challenge period to help the participants reach weight-loss goals.
Each session ends with a celebration party to give recognition to all participants as well as prizes to people who achieved top weight loss. The red-carpet treatment for all participants is held at a local convention venue, usually for 500 to 900 people, with invited families and friends.
"At the end of 12-week challenge, we give out cash prizes," Hunt said. "For each studio, we give $1,000 for first place, $500 for second and $250 for third. We just introduced a $5,000 award across our five studios for the top winner. It's all based on percentage of weight loss."
Everyone dresses up for the black-tie affair, and all participants receive accolades on stage, she said. Before and after photos are shown on screen, and trainers describe people's successes. The night also includes photographers, food and drinks.
"It was just a way for us to provide that personal accountability with a personal trainer in a small group setting," Hunt said about the 12-week challenge. "If people have unlimited time to lose weight, I found that they become unmotivated. We settled on 12 weeks because we felt that was enough time to make lifestyle changes, and to focus both on the exercise and nutrition more."
"Our business is by far growing by word of mouth. People finish the 12-week challenge, and other people see the results. Most of our new members start on the challenge."
The business charges a $50 registration for the challenge, along with weekly membership dues, which Hunt said, "we try to keep that between $20 and $25 a week."
Physzique's Liberty Lake space is leased and also has offices for company headquarters. Across its centers, Physzique employs 30 full-time, of which 18 are trainers and the others are in administrative and management.
The Liberty Lake workout space has open rubber flooring for cushioning.
"Our training style doesn't include use of a lot of equipment," Hunt said. "There is some weight lifting and Plyo boxes. Our workouts are combination of weightlifting, body weight exercise and cardio."
Trainers regularly change up workouts, she added, and can work with people who need modified exercises because of pre-existing injuries. She said nutrition coaching is focused on good balanced meals, and plans can be individualized with clients as needed.
"About 80 percent of our challengers stick around for at least a year," Hunt said. "Some have been with us for five or six years, and some of my most loyal clients are right here in Liberty Lake. We have a lot of repeat business. Clients might take the summer off and come back."
Most clients are from 35 to 50 years of age, both men and women, but some are younger or past retirement age as well.
"We do have clients as young 12 and one who is 73," Hunt added. "She can run circles around some of the youngest people.
"I can say that most of us are in this business because we're very passionate about helping people. When we see a client overcome a physical or mental obstacle they think they can't, it's very rewarding, and seeing people make those lifestyle changes definitely makes it worthwhile.
"We feel we're making a difference at Physzique because the majority of people we draw have never worked out or set foot in a traditional gym."
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1611 N. Molter, Liberty Lake
