Splash trading spaces, moving into offices at Portal
From Staff Reports
A few months shy of its 15th birthday, The Splash has shifted its offices down the street to a new address - 23403 E. Mission Ave., Suite 102.
The new headquarters are housed inside the Liberty Lake Portal building and mark the fourth address in The Splash's history,
The move took effect Jan. 1.
"We are excited to join the dozens of amazing local companies operating out of the Portal, which has truly become a hub for Liberty Lake small business," Splash Publisher Josh Johnson said. "We also believe this move will make us a step more convenient for most of our visiting clients and readers."
The Splash office is now located on the first floor of the eastern building of the Portal campus, in the hallway just beyond the turnstile doors. For the past five years, The Splash was located in a third-floor office at 2310 N. Molter Road. In its history, The Splash has also called space in Greenstone's Liberty Square building home, and the newspaper got its start housed in the basement of founders Shaun and Nathan Brown's Liberty Lake home.
The Splash phone number remains 242-7752.
Along with The Splash, the Liberty Lake Portal office space will also provide headquarters for the other publications put out by The Splash's parent company, Liberty Lake's Peridot Publishing LLC. This includes The Current, a monthly Spokane Valley community newsmagazine, the Liberty Lake Community Directory and the One Valley Business and Community Directory, among others.
"Having worked and interacted with them for years, we are pleased to be a part of the Portal family," Johnson said.
