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Letter to the Editor
6/25/2008 11:48:26 AM

Walkable, integrated parks should exist north of I-90, too
It appears to me that the plan being advanced by the city for a regional sports complex is being done at the expense of an integrated system of walkable neighborhood parks.

In Liberty Lake today, we have a system of neighborhood-based parks (Pavillion Park, Rocky Hill Park and several neighborhood pocket parks) connected by a community trail system that places a wide range of recreational facilities within walking distance of most residents. It is the heart of the Liberty Lake community and what makes us different. Families can walk their children to soccer practice, children can ride their bikes to a playground or the water park, families walk with a wagon full of pillows and blankets to the outdoor cinema and adults park golf carts to watch the Symphony. Where else is this possible?

With rising fuel and transportation costs, walkable communities are our future and must be embraced. How much future can there be for regional facilities that are heavily dependent upon automobile travel?

The growing community on the north side of I-90 is part of the city but left out of most community planning. If we are going to begin the much-needed effort to plan for our future park needs, there must be early, frequent and meaningful opportunity for community participation. We have great opportunities for community partnerships. These will only be nurtured in an environment that is open and receptive to community participation and input at the beginning (not end) of the process.

Jonathan Judd
Liberty Lake
